968. Big LEDs

LED Umbrella

Classmates Dom Cheng, Terrick Gutierrez attached an LED array to an umbrella because… why not?! โ˜‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’กContinue readingLED Umbrella

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 202. Video & Imaging 993. Physical Fabrication

Mood Ring

Mood Ring is an electric mirror that uses computer vision to light up based on your mood.Continue readingMood Ring

978. Cabinets of Wonder

Diorama of a Daily Ritual

As training to make our very own exhibits someday, my class is makingย dioramas of a daily ritualย from our personal lives.…Continue readingDiorama of a Daily Ritual

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 993. Physical Fabrication 999. Miscellaneous

Tailor Gang

This post is a summary of the work and learnings from ITP’s Soft Sensing class. In addition to making the…Continue readingTailor Gang

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 200. Networks 990. Connected Devices

‘Hacking’ the Hue: Control Interface for the API

I have Phillips Hue at home, so using the nice instructions from ITP Light & Interactivity I was able to connect…Continue reading‘Hacking’ the Hue: Control Interface for the API

993. Physical Fabrication 995. Physical Computing

From API to LED: Creating the Crystal

Creating the physical enclosure for the CRYP0MANIA crystal was a project in and of itself. This post is about the…Continue readingFrom API to LED: Creating the Crystal

995. Physical Computing

From API to LED: Digital Details

Lets call it CRYPT0MANIA – the connected crystal. This post is about the crystals digital details – because it works…Continue readingFrom API to LED: Digital Details

993. Physical Fabrication

Light-hearted Mirror

Happy birthday to my sweet dear girlfriend Francesca. I made her this heart mirror as a thank you for putting…Continue readingLight-hearted Mirror

993. Physical Fabrication 995. Physical Computing

From API to LED: Prototype Enclosure & Decoration

This week I converted aย conceptย into a partial reality. The target for the first prototype of the enclosure was to create…Continue readingFrom API to LED: Prototype Enclosure & Decoration

995. Physical Computing

From API to LED: Physical Specifications

As the technical feasibility of the API to LED project comes together, it is time to consider the physical specifications,…Continue readingFrom API to LED: Physical Specifications