Annual simulated performance report of my totally unfounded. unsolicited stock picks.Continue readingSTONKS: Where are they now?
Category: 979. Data Art
Daily energy usage data from ConEd website – my apartmentContinue readingConEd Energy Usage Data
Why is public perception of Spotify less like a “looming corporate data farmer” and more like an “enlightened data despot”?Continue readingSpotify – The Enlightened Music Data Despot
Classmate Michael Blum and I have developed a project proposal for a public intervention project that utilizes data art/visualization called…Continue readingData & Publics: Invisible Crowds
Building upon my artist lyrics analyzer project, I made a small web app that searches artist lyrics for the colors that they mention…Continue readingThe Color of Music
I created a digital self portrait in the form of a ‘waveform mashup’. The waveform mashup is a visual abstraction…Continue readingWaveform Mashup – A Self Portrait with Data
Before the beautiful viz is made, data must be bent and molded.Continue readingDATA ENTRY
Melting Pot
A quick data visualization of immigrant populations to the US – made with using p5.js (and other tools 😈). Here…Continue readingMelting Pot
Above is a little illustration that depicts the sunrise and sunset times (listed on the y-axis) of two locations in…Continue readingSunrise, Sunset