001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 202. Video & Imaging 979. Data Art

Waveform Mashup – A Self Portrait with Data

I created a digital self portrait in the form of a ‘waveform mashup’. The waveform mashup is a visual abstraction…Continue readingWaveform Mashup – A Self Portrait with Data

979. Data Art


Before the beautiful viz is made, data must be bent and molded.Continue readingDATA ENTRY

979. Data Art

Melting Pot

A quick data visualization of immigrant populations to the US – made with using p5.js (and other tools 😈). Here…Continue readingMelting Pot

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 002. Final Projects 202. Video & Imaging 203. ITP Stuff 989. Pixel Art

Revenge of Left Shark

Revenge of Left Shark is an interactive rhythm and dance game. In other words, DDR with your hands. The game…Continue readingRevenge of Left Shark