999. Miscellaneous

Call of COVIDuty

A poem for the boys that carry me over and over again in Call of DutyContinue readingCall of COVIDuty

999. Miscellaneous

Lucky Me

Just opened a “pack” of digital cards in Hearthstone and got TWO legendary cards in it!!!!!!!! This is a rare…Continue readingLucky Me

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 002. Final Projects 800. Thesis

Thesis Project – North Central Positronics

North Central Positroinics (NCP) is a sprawling online text-adventure game. Link not working? This may be why. This game is…Continue readingThesis Project – North Central Positronics

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 969. The Rest of You

Pupil Tracking with Rocket League

Inspired by this video of eye tracking while playing video games, I used a Pupil Labs’ pupil tracker while playing…Continue readingPupil Tracking with Rocket League

969. The Rest of You

Peripheral Flow

In class we discussed the state of “flow” – a dance between conscious and unconscious activity. I want to explore…Continue readingPeripheral Flow

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 002. Final Projects 202. Video & Imaging 203. ITP Stuff 989. Pixel Art

Revenge of Left Shark

Revenge of Left Shark is an interactive rhythm and dance game. In other words, DDR with your hands. The game…Continue readingRevenge of Left Shark