979. Data Art 990. Connected Devices

ConEd Energy Usage Data

Daily energy usage data from ConEd website – my apartment


Average Daily Consumption (kWh)


Sep 2020


Oct 2020


Nov 2020


Dec 2020


Jan 2021


Feb 2021


Mar 2021


Apr 2021


Miami all month

May 2021


June 2021


July 2021


September 2020

“e” means I was not there much or at all that day

October - November 2020

Blasted the heaters all day on Tuesday. Was awesome.

November - December 2020

Average usage pushing way up on the days that I’m home. Luckily spent some time **elsewhere** this past month

December 2020 - January 2021 πŸŽ†

Its been getting COLDER and I keep the heater going all. day. Most expensive bill yet. You can see average usage climbed and is consistently higher at around the ~24 kWh mark.

January - February 2021

February - March 2021 πŸ’˜

March - April 2021 🏝

I was in Miami, beach. No energy usage.

Despite unplugging everything in the apartment (fridge, router, etc), as you can see, there is still a baseline amount of consumption (~2 kWh)

April - May 2021

You can really see the impact of the heater on consumption here

May - June 2021

A curious one – consumption was overall lower but seems like it was not impacted by my activity – when I was gone for 4 days, the apartment was still consuming ~7 kWh per day… I definitely remember saying “hey google, turn everything off” before I left, too.

June - July 2021

Lots of time away from the apartment helped keep this month from being a blowout in terms of consumption. On the days I was there, averaging 12+ kWh

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