Fluto is a life-size colossal wind instrument. With Fluto, you can conduct an audio-visual symphony with others through your mobile device.Continue readingFLUTO
Why is public perception of Spotify less like a “looming corporate data farmer” and more like an “enlightened data despot”?Continue readingSpotify – The Enlightened Music Data Despot
Mood Ring is an electric mirror that uses computer vision to light up based on your mood.Continue readingMood Ring
Bizarro Hopscotch
Earlier this year, a classmate and I created an innocent public installation designed to make people do a “double-take” and…Continue readingBizarro Hopscotch
Classmate Michael Blum and I have developed a project proposal for a public intervention project that utilizes data art/visualization called…Continue readingData & Publics: Invisible Crowds
Silly Squid
Made this on an iPad app while waiting for Hearthstone to download 😀Continue readingSilly Squid
This post is a summary of the work and learnings from ITP’s Haptics weekend workshop class. Our team’s work ultimately culminated…Continue readingVibe, Buzz and Fuzz
Building upon my artist lyrics analyzer project, I made a small web app that searches artist lyrics for the colors that they mention…Continue readingThe Color of Music
Prompt: It’s the year 2118. You take your class (or your kids) to the Museum of 2018. Describe what’s in…Continue readingThe 100: Museum Edition
Diorama of a Daily Ritual
As training to make our very own exhibits someday, my class is making dioramas of a daily ritual from our personal lives.…Continue readingDiorama of a Daily Ritual