202. Video & Imaging 998. Digital Art 999. Miscellaneous

Chopped Up Video Plane

Continue readingChopped Up Video Plane

999. Miscellaneous

Bizarro Hopscotch

Earlier this year, a classmate and I created an innocent public installation designed to make people do a “double-take” and…Continue readingBizarro Hopscotch

999. Miscellaneous

Silly Squid

Made this on an iPad app while waiting for Hearthstone to download 😀Continue readingSilly Squid

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 993. Physical Fabrication 999. Miscellaneous

Tailor Gang

This post is a summary of the work and learnings from ITP’s Soft Sensing class. In addition to making the…Continue readingTailor Gang

989. Pixel Art 999. Miscellaneous

Not really pixel art

CMY colors dripped on to a canvas.Continue readingNot really pixel art

992. Animation 998. Digital Art 999. Miscellaneous

Reach for the stars

A quick video exploring some animation techniques in adobe after effects.Continue readingReach for the stars

992. Animation 999. Miscellaneous

Gotta be brave!

Continue readingGotta be brave!

997. Applications 999. Miscellaneous

Sharky Tanky

A few colleagues and I put together a little performance for the class, inspired by a presentation from Sigi Moeslinger…Continue readingSharky Tanky

993. Physical Fabrication 999. Miscellaneous

It begins!

Formally entering into the world of making physical things today, with the start of introduction to fabrication.Continue readingIt begins!

204. Writing & Critical Analysis 999. Miscellaneous

The inherent contractions embedded in efforts to combat sexism

Thoughts on a panel hosted at the Clive Davis School titled  ‘A Celebration of International Day of the Girl’ – a discussion on music and culture in relation to gender equality. Continue readingThe inherent contractions embedded in efforts to combat sexism