No more finger pointing, once we find Waldo this time we are ENDING IT.
Find him for yourself by running the p5 file found here; code can be found here. The following elements are present in the sketch:
- One element controlled by the mouse: The scope itself.
- One element that changes over time, independently of the mouse: the circling arcs of the scope.
- One element that is different every time you run the sketch: the background (aka which Waldo scene will present itself).
This p5 sketch was inspired by two things:
- The description of the ‘red haze’ that descends over ‘Gunslingers’ in Stephen King’s Dark Tower series; an amazing series that was recently butchered by Hollywood. The haze is described well by the following illustration:
- The scope of the Overwatch (video game) character Widowmaker:
4 replies on “Find that f**ker!”
[…] For this assignment we had to work in pairs, two people, could not do it by yourself. I partnered with Caleb, not only because he was sitting next to me, but mainly because I found really interesting his approach to his last assignment. […]
[…] the previous Where’s Waldo sketch has been updated. Interact with it […]
[…] the previous Where’s Waldo sketch has been updated. Interact with it […]
The Wonder Book for Waldo is my favorite Waldo book.