001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 203. ITP Stuff 995. Physical Computing

Vibe, Buzz and Fuzz

This post is a summary of the work and learnings from ITP’s Haptics weekend workshop class. Our team’s work ultimately culminated…Continue readingVibe, Buzz and Fuzz

978. Cabinets of Wonder

Diorama of a Daily Ritual

As training to make our very own exhibits someday, my class is making dioramas of a daily ritual from our personal lives.…Continue readingDiorama of a Daily Ritual

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 002. Final Projects 200. Networks 203. ITP Stuff 990. Connected Devices 993. Physical Fabrication 995. Physical Computing

A Simple Connected Thermostat

The connected thermostat I was building earlier is now complete! 🌡🌡🌡 This thermostat works like a Nest Thermostat (though clearly…Continue readingA Simple Connected Thermostat