968. Big LEDs

LED Umbrella

Classmates Dom Cheng, Terrick Gutierrez attached an LED array to an umbrella because… why not?! β˜‚οΈπŸ’‘Continue readingLED Umbrella

968. Big LEDs

Tribute in Light

The Tribute in Light memorial to 9/11 is an awe-inspiring light installation. As an NYC native, I find it powerful…Continue readingTribute in Light

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 002. Final Projects 987. Web Development & APIs 990. Connected Devices 993. Physical Fabrication 995. Physical Computing


Fluto is a life-size colossal wind instrument. With Fluto, you can conduct an audio-visual symphony with others through your mobile device.Continue readingFLUTO

001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 200. Networks 990. Connected Devices

‘Hacking’ the Hue: Control Interface for the API

I have Phillips Hue at home, so using the nice instructions from ITP Light & Interactivity I was able to connect…Continue reading‘Hacking’ the Hue: Control Interface for the API