001. Caleb's Favorite Posts 202. Video & Imaging 979. Data Art

Waveform Mashup – A Self Portrait with Data

I created a digital self portrait in the form of a ‘waveform mashup’. The waveform mashup is a visual abstraction…Continue readingWaveform Mashup – A Self Portrait with Data

979. Data Art


Before the beautiful viz is made, data must be bent and molded.Continue readingDATA ENTRY

978. Cabinets of Wonder

Field Trip 2.0: American Natural History Museum

Last week I went to the American Natural History Museum through the lens of a museum/exhibit critic. I remember as…Continue readingField Trip 2.0: American Natural History Museum

979. Data Art

Melting Pot

A quick data visualization of immigrant populations to the US – made with using p5.js (and other tools 😈). Here…Continue readingMelting Pot