200. Networks 988. Fungus Among Us 998. Digital Art

Digital Flower Breeding

A summary of breeding activity and discoveries for the calebfergie.eth account of Heterosis Flowers by

A summary of breeding activity and discoveries for the calebfergie.eth account of Heterosis Flowers by

Post Summary

Generation 1

I minted 4 of these NFT flowers on March 7th 2023 – click each image below to see more information, including a beautiful video of the flower blooming.

Another False Translation #255
Some Present Matter #256
Some Cryptographical Reductions #257
The Other Manner #258

Flower 255 - Breeding Journey

Another False Translation #255

My favorite aspect of this flower is how much it looks like a traditional tulip.

Dutch tulips are classically beautiful and also carry special significance to me and the crypto community at large – see Tulip mania (Wikipedia) and my previous project CRYPT0MANIA to learn more about it.

I chose this flower as the first one I would breed into a new flower, and successfully bred it into a “second generation” aka “Gen 2” flower on 4/3/23.

How does breeding work?

watch this short video to see exactly how breeding work.

In this case, Flower 255 serves as “Parent A” – meaning it will evolve into something new after breeding, while “Parent B” will remain the same afterwards.

Inbreeding Flower 255 (with my own flowers)

I opted to breed Flower 255 with one of the other flowers I owned, as opposed to any other attractive flower out there.

I did this for two reasons:

  1. To see how my wallet contents alone – namely my Cryptokitties and LIOM NFTs – impact the breeding results (read more here)
  2. This was something that the OG.Art team incentivized us to do (see below tweet)

I am glad they introduced this incentive because – while this doesn’t make breeding 100% free – it did help me feel more comfortable breeding a first flower, and less stressed about the whole process.

What happened to flower 255?

From the comfort of my bed on Monday morning ☕️

Parent A

Flower 255 (Gen 1)

Another False Translation #255

Parent B

Flower 258 (Gen 1)

The Other Manner #258


Flower 255 (Gen 2)

Another False Translation #255


  • Unique exposition of the bright green trait and bright red trait

Parent A Traits

Flower 255 (Gen 1)

Result Traits

Flower 255 (Gen 2)

Parent B Traits

Flower 258 (Gen 1)

Keeping vs reverting the new flower 255

As described in the breeding explainer video – after initiating a flower breeding activity – you are given an opportunity to either keep your new flower, OR REVERT the flower (Parent A) to its original state, prior to breeding.

How does this work from an end user perspective?

Soon after clicking ‘breed’ and approving the transaction in your wallet, you will receive an email indicating a preview of your new flower is ready

Soon after clicking ‘breed’ and approving the transaction in your wallet, you will receive an email indicating a preview of your new flower is ready. Clicking the link to check out your new flower will bring you to a page like this one below, where new traits are highlighted in green.

After clicking ‘keep’ and approving the transaction in your wallet, you will receive another email, this time indicating that your new flower has been fully rendered

Network gas fees present a challenge
The OG.Art community supports one and other

Is this what the kids call “utility”?

Being a Heterosis “holder” also comes with other perks, like the invitation to a nice happy hour during NFT NYC week in April 2023.

Both online and IRL, this collector community is especially kind, respectful and fun to be with. 

Plus, as an added bonus, everyone in attendance of this recent event received a limited edition postcard from Heterosis co-creator Matt Collishaw. 

A limited edition postcard from Heterosis creator Matt Collishaw

It’s not a huge, valuable, life-changing gift – nor should it be! But for a sentimental scrapbooker like me, these small “tokens” of appreciation (😃 get it?)  are invaluable, and show the OG.Art community is doing it right.

more editorial and breeding details coming soon!
  • more highlights from minted flowers
  • details of breeding activity, inputs and results
  • traits tracking and general breeding goals
What did the flowers look like before the big reveal?

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